
Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag


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rock paper scissors tag

Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

This is a “less sedentary” version of the classic game.

1. Mark a large yard or field with a center line and then mark two “goal lines” at opposite ends of the field.

2. Divide into two teams.  All members face off with a partner from the opposite team to play a round of “rock, paper, scissors.”  You know this game:  rock crushes scissors, paper covers rock, scissors cut paper.

3. On signal, all players chant “rock, paper, scissors, shoot” and then all players throw their desired signs.

4. The player who loses the rock, paper, scissors duel must immediately turn and start running toward his team’s goal line.  The duel winner gives chase and attempts to tag the loser before he crosses the goal line to safety. Players who are tagged before they cross their team’s goal line must defect to the opposing team.

5.  If both players in the rock, paper, scissors duel throw the same sign, they must sit down on the ground, and the last one to sit must defect to the opposing team.

6.  If there are more players on one team than on another, the extra players may help chase down and tag players from the opposite team.

7.  Play continues until all players are on the same team.


Rock, Paper, Scissors Splits

This is another variation on the basic game of rock, paper, scissors. The “loser” of each round of play must take a step backward with his back leg. If you “win” a round, you take a step forward instead. Play continues quickly so that the player who loses most often is forced into the splits and eventually loses balance and falls over.


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