I call this game Cabin Fever because that’s exactly how it was invented.  I will spare you the details.  Suffice it to say that it’s now a family classic. The rules are simple:  Get from point A to point B without touching the floor.  On the day we originally invented the game, we played with three players and two old pillows.  It took us some creativity, some problem-solving, and more than a few giggles the first time we played this game.  Our goal was to figure out how to get three people from the lower floor of the cabin up to the loft without anyone’s stocking feet coming into direct contact with the floor.  Because there are no rules, you can make them up as you go along.  Set safety ground rules in advance, if necessary.  We allowed standing on sturdy chairs, but vetoed standing on anything breakable.  See if you can get your whole family across the house, or even across the family room.

cabin decor and barnwood frames