This is a family teamwork game that will test your problem-solving skills and your creativity.

Required materials:

A taped-off section of carpet measuring two feet square

Small marbles or pebbles (my family uses air-soft gun pellets)

Small containers

Wrapped candies

Spread the marbles or pebbles around the outside of the 2-foot square.  Add a few wrapped candies here and there.  Some of the pellets and candies should be too far away to reach while standing inside the square.

To Play:

All family members stand inside the marked-off square.  For a large family, figuring out how to fit everyone inside the square is just part of the challenge, but if you must, widen the square just a bit. Working as a team, the family will attempt to “harvest” a container full of manna (marbles or candy) without stepping outside of the square.  Family members can share any candy they retrieve.  Your entire family must be inside the square at all times. No part of your body or clothing may touch the floor outside of the square at any time.

(Reflection:  Once you had gathered the “easy-to-reach” marbles, how was each family member important in doing the work required to fill the entire jar.  How did it feel to be that close to one another?)