I’m excited to add the first two downloadable cards from my most recent book, Heartfelt Ministering: Tools to Help You Minister in a Newer, Holier Way.

To download them, just right-click (control-click on a Mac) and save a copy to print.

Ministering Just Became Doable!

I used to have a friend who was a single mother. She often told me, “all I could do was get through the door of obedience today.” What she meant was that she was so tired after work and caring for children, that often her obedience amounted to reading a single verse of scripture or saying a quick prayer before falling, exhausted, into bed. She knew her reality didn’t match her expectations. But she made an effort, and that effort, in her words, was enough to get her “through the door of obedience.”

If your ministering efforts so far have barely gotten you through the door of obedience, now is your chance to do better.

“No need to count calories this Thanksgiving, just your blessings.”

If you’re ready for something just a little more strenuous, try one of these ideas for using the “count calories” card:

“Gratitude is Measured by the Nature of our Actions”

Crabbe, George. Crabbe’s English Synomes. New York: Grosset and Dunlap via arrangement with Harper and Brothers: 1917, 671.

If you minister to someone less-active who doesn’t want a monthly visit:

Do you minister to men? This still works for you:

If you minister with a Young Woman or Young Man:

November is the perfect time to gather a few family stories around the dinner table. Use an app such as “Memories” which uploads your recorded story directly to FamilySearch.

Next Ordinance

How can you minister in a “group?”

Are you working with older church members?