This game works best with a group of at least ten people.  If you are playing with younger players, be sure to alternate them with older, stronger players.  All players remove their shoes and sit in a large circle with their feet pointing toward the center, as if they are spokes on a large wagon wheel.  One player stands in the middle of the wagon wheel, and then the seated players scoot toward the center, gently pressing their feet up against the legs of the standing player.  The standing player in the center then crosses her arms over her chest and on a given signal, she “falls” backwards, keeping her body stiff and straight like a board. Her feet should remain planted.  The seated players will catch her before she lands, and then, working as a team, they push the standing player around and around the circle. It will usually take two or three seated players working together to push the standing player away to the other side of the circle.